About admin_scs

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So far admin_scs has created 3 blog entries.

The road to a self care strategy


Dr Graham Jackson, Chair, NHS Clinical Commissioners, explains how a shared passion for self care got us to this point. Encouraging and enabling self care has been for many years a goal shared by numerous organisations across the health system. In October 2019, that common objective brought together a group of [...]

The road to a self care strategy2021-10-19T16:11:49+00:00

The consumer healthcare industry supports self care


PAGB President, Neil Lister on the consumer healthcare industry's support for self care Self care is not ‘no care’. It is an important but often overlooked part of the primary care pathway. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic there were 18 million GP appointments and 3.7 million visits to A&E for [...]

The consumer healthcare industry supports self care2021-10-13T13:37:23+00:00

Working together towards effective self care


Michelle Riddalls, CEO of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, on the vision driving our self care strategy blueprint Effective healthcare calls for collaboration. Whether it’s between a patient and a healthcare professional, colleagues across medical specialties or different NHS institutions, teamwork is key. Self care, despite its name, is [...]

Working together towards effective self care2021-10-14T10:20:47+00:00
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